FrontAg Nexus 1st Press Release

FrontAg Nexus: Pushing the frontiers of climate-smart agriculture in the Mediterranean 

FrontAg Nexus introduces climate-smart and water-saving solutions to tackle global food system challenges in the Mediterranean region

FrontAg Nexus is a project co-funded by the EU program PRIMA. Starting in May 2023, it will focus on sustainable agri-food practices, and will address the pressing challenges of climate change, natural resource scarcity, and food insecurity in the Mediterranean region, particularly in Israel, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and Jordan.

The Mediterranean region, a climate change hotspot, is facing numerous difficulties within its food systems. FrontAg Nexus aims to help shape the food production by incorporating climate-smart and water-saving technologies, such as hydroponics, aquaponics, recirculating aquaculture, vermiculture, and insect farming for feed and fertiliser. 

The project’s expected impacts include increased resilience to climate change and improved socio-economic conditions for vulnerable populations. FrontAg Nexus will introduce renewable energy sources, promote climate neutrality, control harmful substances, and increase the availability of nutritious and safe foods. With the adoption of a water, energy, food, and ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus thinking and a participatory multi-actor and multi-contextual approach, the project will contribute to food and nutrition security through year-round production of fish protein, vegetables, and fruits.

“We know about the toxic challenges our global food system is facing, among others climate change, natural resource scarcity and degradation, a growing and more urban population and food waste, all leading to food and nutrition insecurity and pressure on our precious natural resources. Frontier agriculture can contribute to addressing these challenges by promoting climate smart and water saving technologies such as hydroponics, recirculating aquaculture, or insect farming,” said Prof. Gertrud Buchenrieder, Project Coordinator. “FrontAg Nexus will address these challenges in the Mediterranean Region, which is one of the climate change hotspots in the world thus contributing to the community of practice”.

By utilising hydroponics, aquaponics, insect farming and vermiculture, and fostering collaboration among all relevant stakeholders along the supply and value chain, including refugees, women and young adults, start-ups, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), FrontAg Nexus strives to address the challenges within the European food systems.

To learn more about the FrontAg Nexus project and stay up to date, visit and follow us on social media: 

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This publication reflects the views of the author only. The European Commission and PRIMA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

GA n° [2242] [FrontAg Nexus] [Call 2022 Section 1 NEXUS WEFE IA]. This project is part of the PRIMA Program supported by the European Union.

Note to editors:

At a glance – Key facts and figures

Instrument: PRIMA 

Total costs:  € 3.206.895,00

Duration: 3 years, 1/5/2023 – 30/4/2026

Consortium: A total of 10 partners from 8 countries

Project CoordinatorProf. Gertrud BuchenriederUniversität der Bundeswehr München,
Project CommunicationDimitris FotakidisFoodscale Hub Greece,
