Project Coordinator

WP5 Leader “Project coordination, management, and ethics”

Task 3.1 Leader “Construction of survey instrument for SLF and TPB, including pretest”

Task 3.3 Leader “Impact of frontier agriculture on sustainability of livelihoods and WEFE Nexus”

University of the Bundeswehr Munich

In the 50 years since its founding, our modern campus university has become one of the top addresses for questions of security in technology and society. The research institutes and research centers at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich enable interdisciplinary cooperation across departmental and subject boundaries. They contribute to the development of a lively and innovative research culture that sparks new approaches to the crucial future issues.

The university offers a broad spectrum of work and collaboration opportunities, ranging from fundamental research to applied research and development. The excellent location in one of the most innovative regions of Germany and the very good resource endowment offer the best conditions for excellent and sustainable research at both a national and international level.

