FAO Workshop on Ecosystem Solutions and Non-Conventional Water Use in Agriculture
Amman, Jordan — Demonstrating our dedication to sustainable agriculture, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) joined the FAO Workshop on Ecosystem-based Solutions (EbS) and the Utilisation of Non-Conventional Water Sources for Agriculture. The event brought forward key policy strategies for Jordan’s agriculture sector, emphasising innovative water management methods to preserve freshwater resources and support the country’s progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Notable participants included:
- H.E. Eng. Raed Abu Soud, Minister of Water and Irrigation, Jordan;
- Eng. Nabil Assaf, FAO Representative in Jordan;
- Dr. Amani Alfarra, FAO Land and Water Officer;
- Dr. Jon Marco Church, UN-Water Technical Expert;
Key discussion points included:
- Utilising non-conventional water sources to conserve freshwater;
- Strengthening collaboration across sectors to scale EbS efforts;
- Establishing regulatory frameworks for sustainable agricultural water use;
- Enhancing stakeholder skills for successful EbS implementation and monitoring;
- Increasing investment to advance sustainable agriculture and conservation;
- Creating knowledge-sharing platforms to foster collaboration and best practices;
- Furthering Jordan’s commitment to SDGs 6 and 2 through sustainable water and agriculture policies;
The workshop focused on incorporating non-conventional water sources, such as treated wastewater and rainwater, into agricultural practices to ease pressure on freshwater reserves, promoting a sustainable and resilient local food system. Participants highlighted the importance of collaboration, calling on government bodies, academia, donors, and non-profits to work together to effectively scale EbS initiatives.
A key highlight of the event was FrontAg Nexus’ contribution, which featured a presentation from the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), introducing the WEFE Nexus approach. In the presentation, the comprehensive strategy of FrontAg Nexus was highlighted, which is applied to address sustainability in agriculture, using climate-smart, water-saving technologies across the Mediterranean, including Jordan.
Participants emphasised the importance of regulatory development and capacity-building initiatives to equip stakeholders with the tools needed to implement and monitor EbS projects, effectively. The need for greater funding and investment was also a central theme, alongside a call for robust knowledge-sharing to support collaboration and idea-sharing across sectors. These priorities align with Jordan’s goal of meeting SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) by promoting sustainable water management and agricultural resilience.
About FrontAg Nexus
Initiated in May 2023, FrontAg Nexus, supported by the EU’s PRIMA program, tackles climate change and food insecurity in the Mediterranean. This innovative project employs climate-smart and water-saving technologies like hydroponics, aquaponics, insect farming, vermiculture, and agrophotovoltaic aiming for sustainable food production in areas such as Israel, Italy, and Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, and Türkiye. Led by Prof. Gertrud Buchenrieder, from UniBw M, it’s a leap towards ecological balance, improved living standards, and robust, year-round food sources.
To learn more about the FrontAg Nexus project and stay up to date, visit https://frontagnexus.eu and follow us on social media:
Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of sustainable agriculture and foster innovation for a greener, more resilient future.
This publication reflects the views of the author only. The European Commission and PRIMA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ce projet (AG n° [2242]) fait partie du programme PRIMA soutenu par l'Union européenne.
FrontAg Nexus at a glance
Instrument: PRIMA, the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
Total costs: € 3.206.895,00
Duration: 3 years, 1/5/2023 – 30/4/2026
Consortium: A total of 10 partners from 8 countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Türkiye)
FrontAg Nexus Homepage by PRIMA: https://qap.mel.cgiar.org/projects/1828
Project Coordinators | Prof. Gertrud Buchenrieder Dr. Wubneshe Biru Universität der Bundeswehr München Email: Email: |
Project Communication | Dimitris Fotakidis Reframe.food Email: |