FrontAg Nexus 5th Press Release

FrontAg Nexus Project Harvests Success with Innovative Agricultural Implementation Plan

In a recent update regarding the Implementation Plan (Del. 2.1) of the FrontAg Nexus project, significant strides have been made in advancing sustainable agricultural practices across the Mediterranean region. Led by our partner ElBosten, Task 2.1 has successfully identified and strategized over 10 demonstration cases, showcasing the profound benefits of the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus approach.

During the intensive strategy-building phase, the project encountered various challenges, including the need to balance academic rigour with SMEs accessibility and the coordination of partners operating on different timelines. However, with meticulous effort and the invaluable support of project coordinator Prof. Gertrud Buchenrieder and assistant coordinator Dr. Wubneshe Biru, these obstacles were effectively managed.

The outcomes of this endeavour are evident in the establishment of multiple pilot sites across the Mediterranean region. These sites, situated in diverse contexts, exemplify innovative agricultural practices tailored to enhance sustainability. Noteworthy examples include indoor aquaponics at BGU (Israel), hydroponics and insect farming at UNIBO (Italy), and hydroponics combined with agro-photovoltaics at UM6P (Morocco).

The Implementation Plan stands as a dynamic blueprint guiding the ongoing implementation of frontier agricultural innovations within the FrontAg Nexus project. Regular updates ensure alignment with progress and outcomes, with periodic meetings facilitating strategic assessment and adjustments.

We are proud of the milestones achieved through the Implementation Plan,remarked Oussema Boukil (Elbosten). “This progress underscores our commitment to revolutionising agricultural practices while fostering sustainability and resilience in the Mediterranean region.

About FrontAg Nexus

Initiated in May 2023, FrontAg Nexus, supported by the EU’s PRIMA program, tackles climate change and food insecurity in the Mediterranean. This innovative project employs climate-smart and water-saving technologies like hydroponics, aquaponics, insect farming, vermiculture, and agrophotovoltaic aiming for sustainable food production in areas such as Israel, Italy, and Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, and Türkiye. Led by Prof. Gertrud Buchenrieder, from UniBw M, it’s a leap towards ecological balance, improved living standards, and robust, year-round food sources.

To learn more about the FrontAg Nexus project and stay up to date, visit and follow us on social media: 

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Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of sustainable agriculture and foster innovation for a greener, more resilient future. 


This publication reflects the views of the author only. The European Commission and PRIMA Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ce projet (AG n° [2242]) fait partie du programme PRIMA soutenu par l'Union européenne.

FrontAg Nexus at a glance

Instrument: PRIMA, the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area 

Total costs:  € 3.206.895,00

Duration: 3 years, 1/5/2023 – 30/4/2026

Consortium: A total of 10 partners from 8 countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Morocco,Tunisia, Türkiye)

FrontAg Nexus Homepage by PRIMA: 

Coordinateur de projetProf. Gertrud Buchenrieder
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Project CommunicationDimitris Fotakidis
Foodscale Hub Greece
